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  • A few Fillet Steak medallions or Tenderised Steak.1-1,5cm thick.  Rump will also be OK, I suppose.
  • Aromat Seasoning (I prefer the Peri-Peri Aromat in the Orange shaker)
  • Black Pepper
  • 340ml Ina Paarman Salad Dressing – BALSAMIC DRESSING (with Olive Oil)
  • A bit of cooking oil to cover the pan bottom (Not too much as this oil will become part of the sauce).
  • A bit of cooking oil to cover the pan bottom (Not too much as this oil will become part of the sauce).


  1. Season the meat with Aromat and Pepper.  Shake the Balsamic Dressing well and pour over meat to cover.  Let it marinade for about 10 minutes or more.
  2. Place a big frying pan on a very hot plate and heat up until very hot.  (A very hot electric frying pan also works well).  When the pan is at maximum temperature, pour in cooking oil to cover the bottom of the pan.  Immediately remove the meat from the salad dressing and fry the meat.  Turn the meat after about 1 minute.  After about another minute add the salad dressing the meat was marinated in.  Remove meat and sauce and serve immediately.
  3. If you prefer a more well-done steak, fry the steak for a bit longer, but don’t add the balance of the salad dressing.  Only after the steak is done and removed from the pan, then only add the salad dressing.
  4. Give the sauce in the pan a good stir and serve over meat.

(You will be amazed how quickly the sauce thickens in the pan)  Phone me if you like it.  André Steenkamp – 082 490 1527.

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